Fallout new vegas 44 magnum
Fallout new vegas 44 magnum

fallout new vegas 44 magnum fallout new vegas 44 magnum

Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition (2012). 44 Magnum revolver* ( Mysterious Magnum*) This can be solved by simply switching to another gun and then back again. 44 Magnum revolver equipped and drawn, the reload animation takes twice as long as normal.

  • If loading a saved game from the main menu in which you have the.
  • Reloading or switching weapons will fix the issue. 44 will occasionally become stuck into the cylinder.
  • Though it happens to most guns, the speed-loader on the.
  • 44 Magnum revolvers can be used for the White Line Nightmare challenge, which will go towards completion of the Combat Veteran achievement/trophy.
  • The Thorn - One of the guards carries one.
  • Carried semi-regularly by legionary assassins at mid-levels.
  • May also be found on Legion troops near the Legion raid camp at higher levels.
  • Westside - Can be stolen from a display at Miguel's Pawn Shop.
  • Vault 3 - Sometimes used by Fiends along with.
  • Oliver's compound - Carried by General Oliver.
  • Monte Carlo Suites - Yvette carries one in almost perfect condition.
  • Gun Runners - For sale by Vendortron along with.
  • The Omerta thugs that arrive near the end of the quest Bye Bye Love to intercept Carlitos will have several in moderate condition along with.
  • Freeside - Old Ben carries one, he stands next to the entrance to the strip.
  • Crimson Caravan Company - Sometimes sold by Blake.
  • fallout new vegas 44 magnum

    Additional revolvers can spawn randomly on the Legion troops.

  • Cottonwood Cove - Equipped by Decanus Severus.
  • Cazador nest - Located on the ground by a skeleton.
  • Durability (number of attacks before breaking) Damage per attack (damage per projectile) 44 Magnum revolver only used by Miss Fortune.
  • Miss Fortune's Bad Luck Bringer, a unique non-playable.
  • 44 Magnum in its use of companion ammunition. 44 Magnum revolver, a unique non-playable. 44 Magnum used by the Mysterious Stranger. 44 revolver scope - Adds a close-to-mid range scope with 1.86x magnification. 44 revolver heavy frame - Adds +50% condition and a matted stainless steel finish with a darker wooden grip. When modified with the heavy frame, it can fire a total of about 1870 standard rounds, the equivalent of 312 reloads, from full condition before breaking. 44 Magnum revolver can fire a total of about 1,245 standard rounds, the equivalent of 208 reloads, from full condition before breaking. 44 Magnum revolver is a very durable weapon that can be concealed with a Sneak skill of 50 or greater, as it is considered an improved holdout weapon. It is, however, somewhat inaccurate with a spread of 0.7, on the high end of one-handed guns. 44 Magnum fires and reloads quickly, due to its speed-loader and ejector rod. 44 Magnum revolver is a double-action, swing-out cylinder revolver, with a high damage output for a one-handed gun, but the ammunition is slightly rarer in the wasteland.

    Fallout new vegas 44 magnum